EDS: Extreme Depth and Sensitivity - НОВ супер дълбок
микропроцесорен металотърсач на 28Khz
Новият микропроцесорен металотърсач EDS REACHER
на Detech e окомплектован с 23см.х23см. /9
X 9"/ SEF PRO, която с новата си
форма подсказва, че металотърсача е по-дълбок он нормалното.
Това е типичния металотърсач за дълбоко търсене, както на
големи обекти, така и на златинки дори, защото работи на
28 Khz.
Липсата на дисплей не трябва да Ви подвежда, защото металотъсача е
професионален, микропроцесорен и дълбок и без дисплея, който при търсене на ход
дори затруднява.
Честота: 28Khz
VLF Operation
Автоматичен грунд
Аудио Честота: 570 Hz and 1140Hz
Тегло: 1кг.
Length extended: 51"
Length collapsed: 41"
СТандартна сонда: SEF Pro 9x9" -
23см.х23см. ДД СЕФ Про
Допълнителни сонди:
12x12" SEF Pro
8x6" SEF Pro
6" Round DD
1/4 Хак за слушалки
Impedance 8 to 32 Ohms
Батерии: 4 X AA Alkaline
Battery Run Time: 15 to 30 Hours
Low Battery Alert: Automatic LED & Audio
Ground Balancing: Fully Automatic
Search Modes: Normal and Deep
On/Off Sensitivity
AMD and Adjustable Discrimination
Tone Control: Tone 1 and 2
Frequency Control: Freq. 1 and Freq. 2
Pin-point Mode: One Button Push
Гаранция: Електроника (2
Гаранция: Търсеща сонда (1
Using one of the most advanced search coil design in the field today the EDS
REACHER will surpass any detector in its comparable class in the really important
areas like, soils with medium to high minerals where improved stable operation
is needed for the deeper older buried treasure targets. The name of this new
detector is very fitting because with its SEF Excelerator search coil.
Let's talk about the metal detector itself. Weighing in at only 2 pounds with
batteries they just don’t get much lighter than this. You could literally hunt
all day with this detector without fatigue and with its center located pin-point
button it’s easy to just switch arms for those all day hunts! Detection range on
this detector is unbelievable! In an air-test for example, we are seeing huge
detection range comparable to some detectors costing 2 or 3 times more. One
air-test we were able to detect a 14K medium man’s gold ring at 15+ inches! Of
course, an air-test does not always determine what depth you will get while
detecting in different soils but it is a solid indicator to a very well matched
detector/search coil combination. This EDS REACHER detector should have no
problems reaching the deeper older coins, gold rings, and relics. Testing proves
the EDS Reacher is very sensitive on Gold nuggets too!
The EDS Reacher is a very easy to use and operate. Setting it up is simple
because of the easy defined “red colored” pre-set zones for the sensitivity,
discrimination and normal setting indicators. The treasure hunter can easily
adjust their desired discrimination, sensitivity levels to optimize the
detectors depth in different soil conditions. If you are looking for a deep,
super lightweight detector outfitted with one of the Best High-performance coils
manufactured today then look no further than Detect’s EDS Reacher metal detector.
EDS REACHER features:
Advanced Dual zone VLF discrimination control featuring (AMD) All metal
discrimination and full range VLF variable discrimination. In the AMD position
the detector will achieve maximum depth on the deepest targets including gold
On/Off full variable sensitivity control is used to make the detector more
stable if it encounters ground minerals and or electromagnetic fields that will
also affect the detectors stability.
Dual selectable frequency mode is used for getting the most depth and also used
in conjunction with the full variable sensitivity control you can choose the
best frequency position for the deepest and smoothest operation.
The Deep/Normal mode switch is one of the most important controls in the EDS
REACHER. In the normal position this is called the "mass" hunting position and is
used for most ground conditions like medium to high minerals and or using the
detector in wet salt beach sand or even in wet salt "black sand" conditions. The
Deep mode position is there for the advanced treasure hunter where you are
looking to get the deepest performance from the metal detector.
Dual Audio tone control allows the treasure hunter to select the most
appropriate sound that they prefer. Tone one position produces the sound or tone
of 1140Hz (high pitched sound) and Tone two position produces the sound or tone
of 570Hz (low pitched sound).
True Pin-Point mode is used to precisely locate the target so that recovery is
very easy and fast! When the mode button is pressed continually you will hear a
continuous tone and by moving the coil in an X pattern you then listen for the
loudest tone and that will indicate when you are centered on the buried target.